Happy Memorial Day everyone! I know this is a little late but, it has been a busy week. I wanted to have a post where I give you some fun BBQ ideas or a recipe for my secret BBQ sauce, however, as our world is in a bit of turmoil it seems more appropriate to take a moment and dwell upon your ideas of what Memorial Day is about. We take a lot of things for granted, the air we breathe, the water we drink and the fact that you can stand on a street corner and say what’s on your mind, short of “Fire!” in a crowded movie theater. I think you get the idea. At this moment I’m thankful that there isn’t a tank rolling down my street and that when I flip the light switch, the lights come on. I have a roof over my head and I can still buy groceries at the market. Some people on this planet aren’t as lucky. This thing we refer to as “Freedom” came at a price, so take a moment and reflect on what that means to you. If you get the chance, thank a veteran. Then you can go fire up the grill! In the past I have made a couple blog posts on today. Here’s one about the red poppy and how BBQ became an American thing. Read it here. Here’s one with a few good BBQ recipes, including a delicious BBQ sauce. Read it here.
Thanks for stopping by, until next time Boone Appétit!