I remember years ago you couldn’t get a Krispy Kreme donut anywhere but in the south. This was probably a good thing, as these donuts have a curious addictive quality. Maybe it’s their light fluffy essence or the rich gooey glaze that makes them irresistible to so many people. The fact that if you live by a Krispy Kreme you can get “hot” donuts literally minutes after they’re made, is also a huge draw. Outside of these donut shops is a little light. When that light goes on it means fresh hot delectable donuts are just seconds away from your tastebuds! It’s no joke I’ve seen cars cross three lanes of traffic to pull into the parking lot the second the light has come on! I can attest, there really is nothing like a hot Krispy Kreme donut or two or three. These hot donuts have a way of literally melting in your mouth and like I said three donuts later you realized you just ate 1/4 of a dozen!

I’m partial to the glazed but on this trip I was inspired to try the “original glazed” which is a glazed donut filled with cream or Kreme as they like to say. These are equally amazing and very messy. They also have many other varieties such as the chocolate glazed, the maple glazed (yum), jelly filled, custard filled and even a couple cake donuts for you dippers out there. There is also a coffee that many swear is better than that “other” donut shop. Personally I love the nostalgia behind Krispy Kreme. Growing up it was a treat and fun to look out for the “hot” light , then beg your parents to pull in. In my family it didn’t take much begging!

The first official Krispy Kreme opened up in Salem-Winston, North Carolina in 1937, founded by Vernon Rudolph. He started selling to grocery stores but people kept coming to the shop asking to buy hot donuts. This was probably fueled by college students from Salem College and Academy which was directly across the street. I can only imagine trying to study while smelling hot fresh donuts being made! In the 1940’s Vernon decided to franchise and the rest is history. Now you can find Krispy Kreme donuts in your local supermarket and there are donuts shops all around America and even other parts of the world.

I will say I’m glad that I don’t have one of these donut shops anywhere near me. I like that they remain a special and memorable treat from my childhood. We know fried dough isn’t the best thing we can put in our bodies, so I urge you to proceed with caution. You have been warned! I can bet most of you will find these donuts appealing if not downright addictive, when they are hot right off the assembly line . All that being said, if you’ve never tried a Krispy Kreme donut you own it to yourself to seek them out and give it a try. Please report back here, I’d love to hear your feedback. As always if you have any questions or comments ,leave them in the box below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. If you haven’t subscribed to the blog please take a moment to do it, so you won’t miss any post as I eat my way across America. Until next time Boone Appétit!

I’ve heard if you show your fully vaccinated card at Krispy Kreme, you get a free donut!
I’d love to try them, haven’t yet. Thanks for the post!
Hi Jenn, you are correct!Believe it or not that action has become a hotbed of political discussion and I try and keep politics out of the blog. I hope you get to try them someday. If I’m not mistaken there might be a shop in Paramus, not sure if they do the hot donut thing though. Let me know.