Here it is, Halloween, time already. You can feel it in the air, with the cooler nights and windy days. The leaves are turning brilliant colors and the pumpkins are on the porches. They’re also at The Great Jack-o-lantern Blaze. “The Blaze” is a Halloween tradition here in the Hudson Valley . It helps to get me into the season and really kicks off the start of Fall leading up to the holidays.
For those who have never gone to The Great Jack-o-lantern Blaze, it’s what happens when seven thousand carved pumpkins, transform the 18th century Van Cortlandt Manor into a huge sculpture garden composed entirely of Jack-o-lanterns. ‘The Blaze” is part of the attractions that can be found at Hudsonvalley.org

The Blaze has become very popular now, so much so that they have extended the run until mid November. It’s safe to say that all of the weekend spots leading up to Halloween have been sold out but you still may be able to get tickets during the week. The organizers have ramped things up a bit in the last few years. You now can purchase foods courtesy of, Geordane’s of Irvington, that range from soups and sandwiches to hotdogs and pumpkin pie, along with apple cider and hot chocolate and so much more. Captain Lawrence brewery also sales their local beer at the Blaze and hard cider and wine is also available.
I’d really like to share more pictures with you but I don’t want to ruin the experience. It’s best if you go without knowing to much about the theme or the pumpkins being carved. It’s a great night out for the kids and those adults that are young at heart. Anytime I have out of town guest visiting this time of year I try and take them to The Blaze. No one has been disappointed, and they usually find one or two jack-o-lanterns that inspire them for their Halloween carving.
If you go and would like to share your experience please leave us a message in the box below. If you know of other fun Halloween related things to do please share it with us in the comments box also. Don’t forget Nyack’s Halloween parade tomorrow night starting at 5:30pm. Until next time BOO! Appétit…

The Blaze is amazing! Thank you for sharing the tradition.
Thanks Claudia, I hope you get to visit again soon, it keeps growing every year.