As I sit down to write this post our world is in chaos. To me it feels like humanity is being tested. We’re having to deal with a global pandemic surrounded by mystery and misinformation. Isolation is taking its mental and physical toll on the population, which in itself was bringing our country to a divided boiling point. Now, hopefully we as a collective of beings of the planet Earth have reached the point of enough is enough concerning racial injustice and violence in its many forms both seen and unseen. Let us hope that the death of Mr. George Floyd will be the last we see in a situation as this one, may he rest in peace.
Anyone who doesn’t see this as a test is going to have a hard time convincing me otherwise. How we deal with the current issues right now, is going to have a huge lasting impact on the fate of humanity. Remember we’re the only species on earth that is capable of destroying itself. So to this I say choose love, choose love over hatred and violence. Choosing love isn’t the easiest thing to do but it will change the world for the better. No matter your beliefs, if you believe in the big bang, then we are all the same we are Star Stuff. If you believe in the Bible then we are all related, even if you believe that we are creations of some long forgotten alien civilization we are still part of the whole and last time I checked we have nowhere else to live and no one is coming to rescue us, so yep it’s up to us to create the world we desire. As daunting as this may seem, it’s actually not very hard at all. Change starts with you! Each person making their own individual effort to make the world a better place. That’s how it starts, each of us moving our lives in a positive direction.
I know that right now a dark cloud seems to be looming over us, but we can’t let that dictate our direction. I find that when I’m feeling gloomy it’s best to start with a smile and nothing brings a smile to a person’s face quicker than pancakes! I’m not sure why that is but the mere mention of the word and people smile. Maybe it stems from better times we remember as children or maybe it’s simply the fact that pancakes make people happy. I also think more people would be making pancakes if they actually knew how easy they are to make. Seven ingredients and five minutes and you’re ready to serve up the smiles!
- Double Batch Pancakes
- 2 cups all purpose flour
- 4 teaspoons sugar
- 4 teaspoons baking powder
- 1teaspoon salt
- 2 cups Butter Milk or regular milk
- 2 tablespoons melted butter or oil
- 2 large eggs
- Mix the dry ingredients together , (Flour, sugar, baking powder, salt.)
- Whisk together the milk, eggs and melted butter.
- Add the milk mixture to the dry mixture and stir until just mixed. Don’t over mix it, it’s ok if there’s some lumps.
- I like to cook my pancakes in butter but feel free to cook yours with any oil you’d like.
- Pour onto greased hot pan using a 1/4 cup measuring cup.
- Wait for the top to start forming bubbles before flipping.
- Flip the pancake and cook about another 2 minutes until golden brown.
- Serve with Maple syrup or jam or fresh fruit or even chocolate chips!
Not ready to flip! Ready to flip! Golden brown goodness!
The great thing about pancakes is you can make them anyway you’d like. I’ve seen people crumble bacon into the batter before cooking or add nuts and dried fruit. You could even go a savory route like a crepe and make one with brie cheese and ham. Also since we’re all stuck in the same old boring routine why not switch it up tonight and have breakfast for dinner? Kids really love that and it adds a sense or festivity to the evening.
There’s no doubt that these are difficult times, but I have faith in the human spirit and I also have faith in you, the person reading this blog. As a species we have a long way to go but we also have come a long way and we have special tools like compassion and the ability to think do and act on what is right. I hope you take the time out of your day to reflect on the changes you’d like to see in your world. If you’d like to share them please do so in the comments box below. I choose love, until next time Boone Appétit!

Looks yummy. Does it work with gluten free flours also?
Hi Val, what I’ve found with gluten free is using the correct blend. Red’s Mill has a good product that works well, but my favorite pancake to make gluten free is the Johnny cake as most of it is corn meal then the gluten free flours don’t have as much say in the outcome. Also the tiny pieces of corn meal seem to open up holes in the flour that allows more syrup and butter to get in!I’ll find a good recipe and post it soon. Thanks for your question.
Hi again, I thought I wrote about Johnny Cakes but it’s actually the Hoe Cake as it was one of George Washington’s favorites. But here’s the link to that. https://booneappetit.com/happy-presidents-day/.
Charlie, I really look forward to trying your recipe for pancakes! I love to make waffles on my waffle iron every weekend! I love to cook- sometimes. I wonder if your recipe for pancakes would work for waffles. I really enjoy your newsletter and the name of it is very cute! Thank you! Stay safe and well! Trish
Hi Tricia, thank you so much for your kind words, I’m so glad you’re enjoying the blog.I love making waffles also but the two batters vary a little. Waffles need more sugar and fat so You could add another egg and tablespoon of melted butter and double the sugar. Also waffles need a thicker batter so you could add less milk, start with a cup and add more if you need…. or maybe I’ll do a post on waffles because they have a certain lore to them, I’m not sure if you know it.
Beautiful post, Charlie. And pancakes do make everything a little better. 😉
Thanks Jenn sorry I’m late getting back to you but my next post will tell you why.