This weekend I took a trip down to the University Of Maryland to visit my son. I love going there, yes because it's always good to visit your kid but also they have an amazing array of restaurants to chose from. Unlike a lot of college towns that have pub food and fast food as … Continue reading Feed The Turtle.
Author: Charlie
Today is President's Day and here in the Northeast it's cloudy with a sleet, rain mix, the roads are slick and walking around town can be a little slippery too, so that makes me want to stay inside. Given that a lot of places are closed that's not such a bad thing. On days like … Continue reading Happy President’s day.
As many of you know, I love searching out and finding amazing places to eat, and or , buy great food. Not long ago I was lamenting that I wish our local Russian Orthodox Church had more than one Holiday Boutique because I was having a hankering for some Pirosksy. Not to be confused with … Continue reading From Russia With Love.
The big game is approaching and if you're like me , it's not as exciting to watch without a NY team in it. So let's just say I'm going to watch it for the commercials and a chance to eat food that some might consider "bad" for you! I'm also not about to go overboard … Continue reading Super Bowl Hacks.
I love going to Chinatown in Manhattan. There's something magical that happens there. It might be strolling the narrow streets and alley ways finding new shops and restaurants to explore, or maybe the smells of a dozen different dishes hitting your senses all at once or the bright neon signs that beg for your attention. … Continue reading Adventures in Chinatown.
The ball has fallen, the Rockefeller Christmas Tree has come down and hopefully by now we've all gotten use to writing 2019 on our checks. There are a few cookies and about a dozen pieces of fudge on the counter that should be thrown out, but will probably be eaten. This leads me to the … Continue reading A new year a new you?
If you're anything like me , the Holidays have just crept up on you! Now, we're all in panic mode running about trying to get our list of presents bought and to-do's done. In the midst of all that somewhere in the back of your mind you know you have to make cookies or fudge … Continue reading Quick Holiday Goodies.
Recently I was out to lunch with my son while he was home on break from college. We like to talk food every so often and this time he posed an interesting question,"What restaurant have we been eating at the longest?" Looking back there are only a couple of places that we have been eating … Continue reading What makes a restaurant great?
As I sit here writing, the sounds of leaf blowers echo through the streets, yet the first snow fall of the year has been forecast. These things remind me that my blog post may be a little late in coming out, at least as far as content is concerned. There is a good reason for … Continue reading Mamaw’s fried pies.