Welcome to a much overdue post of Boone Appétit. Things have been a bit up in the air here lately given all thats going on in the world and a three day snowstorm we had in the northeast. Being from Arizona and even after living in New York for many years, I still don’t handle the cold as well as most. By February I’m chilled all the way through my body and something inside of me keeps longing for the sunshine. I’m sure I’m not alone in this but it still takes it’s toll on me, especially mentally. One thing that I do daily, if possible, is to get outside and walk in nature. I’ve been doing it for years and I believe it has helped me stay sane in this crazy world of ours.
Walking is showing up all over the internet lately. It’s being touted as the perfect exercise that almost anyone can do. It’s true that it’s very easy to do if you’re physically able. All you have to do is drag your butt off the couch and open the door. Countless studies have shown the physical and mental benefits of walking. Those that adopt a walking routine tend to live longer and with less complications of aging. It helps your creative process too. Many famous thinkers were walkers. Charles Dickens, Henry David Thoreau, Beethoven and Aristotle are just a few that come to mind. Not bad company to be in.
As I have traveled across the country I have tried to continue my walking/ hiking routine. Sometimes it’s literally around the neighborhood of the BNB I’m staying at, but sometimes I get to go to amazing places like Mount Reiner in Washington State or Sabino Canyon in Tucson. Even if you’re in a big city you can usually find a place to walk. Central Park in New York has many walking trails and believe it or not sometimes you don’t even see one person! My usual walk these days is around the lake at Rockland State park. It’s the perfect place to walk because they keep the 3.1 mile path clean of snow and goose poop! It’s also beautiful and loaded with nature. A few weeks ago I saw a Bald Eagle. They have been repopulated in the Hudson Valley and it felt good to see this one returning to it’s natural habitat. Get out and walk you never know what you’ll see!
Starting a walking routine doesn’t have to be hard or strenuous. Everyone is different and you’ll find your own comfort zone. You’ll be surprised at how you can clear your mind of the day’s worries. It helps you to sort out priorities and see a plan for getting things done. If nothing else you’ll feel energized and happy that you took a few steps towards a healthier you!
Since this is technically a food blog I feel I have to leave you with some kind of a recipe. Have you ever heard of Switchel or Hay Makers Punch? It’s an old drink that was consumed in the colonies to replenish your electrolytes while working out in the fields. Yep it’s even older than gatorade and I like it much better. Many people use it in the summertime but I’m not one to follow the herd. If you like it, drink it whenever. It’s very easy to make and by making it yourself you can control the sweetness. In the south it was sweetened with molasses in the north maple syrup and in both areas honey was used. Basically you can use whatever sweetener you’d like. I’ve tried them all and I’m a fan of the maple syrup. The following recipe is taken from the dusty old archives of the Old Farmer’s Almanac, so you know it’s authentic!
- Switchel or Haymakers Punch
- 1 gallon of cold water
- 1 1/2 cups of molasses or maple syrup or honey
- 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar
- 1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger
- Place all ingredients in a large enough pitcher and stir well. Keep refrigerated.
- You can also add a little fresh lemon or lime juice
- I recommend starting out with less sweetener than this recipe calls for. Remember it’s easier to put more sweetener in then it is to add more ingredients to get the sweetness out.
I honestly think you’ll enjoy this drink if you give it a try. For those that don’t like vinegar start with a little less or go with lemon juice instead. I promise it’ll grow on you! Please let me know if you give it a try and if you give walking a try. It’s never to late to try something new! Until next time Boone Appétit!

Hi Charlie, First of all, your advice about taking a walk… SPOT ON! I have been reluctant sometimes to just go outside and walk, but every time I do, I am so glad and so refreshed! Just bundle up and when it is sunny out, it’s wonderful like you said, to clear your mind or even to safely socialize with a friend.
And the punch sounds yummy! Question: Have you ever tried it hot?
Hi Bets, I’m so glad you’ve done the walking thing, keep going! I haven’t tried the Switchel hot because I usually drink it in the warmer months but I don’t see why one couldn’t give it a try. I’m not certain if the electrolytes would be diminished if you allowed the mixture to get to a boil. I do know some potassium is lost when boiling certain vegetables, so maybe heat it up just a little. Let me know how it goes.Thanks!