Welcome to the first day of the Year 2022 and my first post. I’ll admit I really didn’t feel like writing anything today. Yes, it’s a new year and a new beginning but so what? I’m tired of looking out my window and seeing that nothing is changing , maybe most of you are also tired. There’s still war, and hatred, murder , injustices, tyranny, inflation, recession, depression, oppression, hunger, poverty and a huge growing gap of the have’s and have not’s coupled with the us and them frame of mind that keeps not just America divided but the entire world divided. It makes you stop and think or at least it should. In times like these it’s easy to look at things and become deflated, pessimistic and feel downright hopeless. We have the power as a nation and the technology in the world to end world hunger and we’ve had this ability for years, but why haven’t we? That is just one problem we could erase from the face of the earth. I don’t have the answers and like you I’m filled with questions. When I’m faced with problems like these I do the only thing I can and that’s try and change my little bit of the world. Reach out to friends and family. Maybe, there’s a neighbor who might need a hand in some way. Volunteer somewhere. Often times a person just needs someone who’ll listen. Try and stay kind, it’s hard sometimes because you’ll always run up against a few abrasive people, but they’re the ones who need your kindness the most.

Today let’s try something small. Go into your cupboards and see what’s in there that you’re never going to eat. Gather up a couple of items and find a local food bank or a drop off spot. Check with your libraries because they sometimes have a drop off spot, like at the Blauvelt Free Library, or they will probably know where one is in your community. Yes it’s a small step but you’ll be putting food on the table for a family that might have gone hungry. Remember we are stronger together and our differences are what makes us amazing.
Now since it’s the first day of the new year I’m going to give you a link to a recipe for Black Eyed Peas. These are eaten throughout the south today for good luck in the new year, so it couldn’t hurt to give them a try! Click the link to be taken to the recipe for Black Eyed Peas Stew.

Onward we go fearlessly into the new year. Keep your heart, mind and eyes open for a better tomorrow. What will 2022 become? Will it be better or worse than 2021? I think the answer to that question lies in the heart of each and every one of us. Until next time Boone Appétit!

Happy New Year Charlie!
You’re right….in this crazy world just a little bit of kindness and helpfulness can go a long way! Wishing all the best to you in 22!
Thank you Cindi, let’s hope it catches on!